\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Topic | Presenter | Notes | Status | Next Step and Deadline |
Purpose of Today’s Meeting | | To focus on Production Targets that exist across the grid | | |
Reminder | | Mentors: Update your mentoring log and make sure your F2F visits are accurately reflected in your calendar | | |
Reflection of Production Targets | | Reflection Activity: What comes to mind when you hear the words “Production” & “Target” goals expectations for performance meeting a specific goal based on a success criteria having to produce something to reach a goal production targets give you your aim progress toward our goal
Production Targets: Thoughts The purpose of seeing these targets is not to see them as separate items, but how they connect to the work you do (daily/weekly/monthly) Provide Professional Development and Training to Providers (Lines 3-19) Line 3 (# of providers receiving live PD and training)- we’re at 40% right now, so it looks like there needs to be more of a push (promotions) for live professional development Line 17 (# of providers completing ECE college courses)- Shanika’s input on how they can apply interested individuals will receive a flyer for the application process (only applies to ECE courses) - scholarship is approx. $600 Erica Miles can assist you with this Link to give providers for more info on scholarships + deadlines: https://wrksolutionseeqs.com/scholarships-incentives/
How do we feel about the overall numbers/progress? Line 11 (% of providers reporting increased knowledge/skills gained from trainings/PLCs) - how are providers reporting in order to contribute to this percentage target? There is a large church-based conference and a lot of the programs are not in TRS - is this something we’re interested in being a part of?
Provide materials, incentives, and stipends to Providers (Lines 21-25) Definitions FAPO funds focus on centers who serve 25+ children on scholarship Link to the Classroom Materials + Cash Incentive Award: Link to Kayleen's Teams Announcement Is there a projected calendar of all the projected materials/incentives/stipends that shares tentative details about these? CDA cohort incentives flyers
Mentoring Services (TRS, ELD, CWD, Infant/Toddler) (lines 27-34) We’re surpassing the majority of our targets in this area we’ve had a shift in how we document things in the tracking log which has led to a growth in numbers (especially line 32) Line 34 (% of programs reporting improved classroom practices as a result of mentoring services) - when will this take place for the 2 times annually and how?
Consumer Education and Activities for Parents (lines 36-40) line 36 (# of families requesting/receiving resource/referral information) - Q2 has seen a big increase on how we are contributing to this target Line 39 (provide families w/ consumer education about high-quality infant/toddler care) - explanation the board specifically wanted us to focus on educating parents on how to select high quality infant/toddler care so we created a brochure for this (and a 30-minute PPT presentation) we advertise this to families when out in the community
Activities that Increase Parental Choice (line 42) line 42 (matching level needed to secure local match additional funding) - in order to meet this match, we have partnerships created with local organizations (colleges/university HS labs/etc) and they pledge $ that goes toward our match amount ($10 million - we are the largest region, so we have a larger match amount) we are on track to meet this target - we anticipate no trouble in reaching this goal
Evaluation and Assessment (lines 44-46) these numbers are not just based on the programs that we serve that currently use the assessment - they are also based on our actual outreach (how we support them in using them) if programs use these tools offline (printed out on paper vs. using the CLI tools on the computer), could that be affecting these numbers? advertise to providers that if they use the online version, they’ll get an additional benefit - there’s a reporting component that’s only offered online that helps them to see what areas their children are still needing more support in there may be a technology barrier for a lot of the providers, so using the paper version may be the only option for some - make sure you are providing support in this area and document it as TA in the CQIP
line 46 (# of programs receiving national accreditation supports) - need more information on how to get programs accredited this performance target speaks about the financial assistance for them to submit the application - we don’t offer mentoring support to get the program ready for accreditation, but we provide the monetary support for their submission of the application this is a reimbursement of their renewal fees
L&D will be offering PLCs for the Checklist and Progress Monitoring beginning in late May they are also planning to offer a 2-day workshop to providers in late July and early August on Progress Monitoring L&D will also place the mentor PD presentations in a folder in Teams for the mentor team to use in the field (once approved by Kayleen)
Other Child Care Support Services (48-49)
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