Topic | Presenter | Notes | Next Step and Deadline |
Micro-Learning QuizToo Project Charter | Reese-Anna | What is Micro-Learning? Assessment-based learning approach that uses brief quiz questions and feedback to build and reinforce knowledge You’ll get an email twice a week with a question to answer about the TRS Handbook and Guidelines
Feedback You’ll be able to provide your own feedback about the survey - relevancy of questions, how well the survey works, issues with email delivery, etc.
Questions from Mentors If we answer incorrectly, is there immediate feedback on the correct information? Is this mandatory? Who should we notify if we do not receive the email? You can email Reese-Anna Check your junk email
What is the timeframe for these questions?
| Next Steps: - The first question will be sent to your WFS email at 9:00 on Monday 8/5
- Reese-Anna Cummins check if you can enroll the UTH emails instead of the WFS emails
- Let Reese-Anna know if you receive duplicate emails
Deadline: - Emails begin going out on Monday 8/5
Charting the Course Debrief | Christine | Experiences from TRS Early Educator Conference (7/17-7/19) | Next Steps: - If you’re wanting a specific training, pass that information along to Katie or Laura
Data Dive | Stephanie | 3-2-1 Data Review 3 Positive Statements about the Q1-3 Production Target Data A lot of the percentages are over 75% We’ve exceeded a lot of production targets
2 Things we can do to meet 100% in Q4 Production Target Data Create a team for NAECY Advertise to the community (not part of TRS) about our trainings Licensing will hand out our course catalog to providers when they travel out in the community
1 Question we have about the Production Target Data Why is the CDA production target at 0? We do not have numbers posted for Q1-3 because we started in Q2 - we know that these numbers will change - scholarship and completion numbers will go up after September
What could we learn about where providers turn to for learning opportunities - people pay for trainings/events/etc. when they could get it for free through us It’s easier for them to write a check and get something handed to them vs having to put in work and effort for the free services that we provide Explain to providers how our process works and why it’s important to do it our way - explain the content Some providers have paid for trainings/etc. and end up getting taken advantage of - there’s been some instances of directors/teachers losing their certification because of this
When was this report run? End of Q3 - June 30th
What happens if we aren’t at 100% at the end of Q4? We’re submitting these numbers at a monthly basis + executive summaries - the Board knows where we’re excelling and where we fall short No clear ramifications but conversations have been had There’s been some difficult conversations surrounding mentoring hours - putting your hours in the tracker is where the data for this target comes from
Why is the Certified number so much greater than the ELD number when there are so many more ELDs? When this was first designed, it was estimated that it would take 4 hours a week to get a program certified - we obviously know that this is not true
| Next Steps: - Make sure you’re accurately recording all your hours in the tracking log - we use this data for several different production targets and it informs a lot of decisions
Deadline: |
Performance Evaluations | Katie | Purpose Evaluate performance and recognize accomplishments Establish goals Identify opportunities for growth and development Not meant to be punitive - there’s no “gotcha” moment The self-review is your opportunity to highlight all the work you’ve done - what you’ve done/do well, what you’ve accomplished, how you contribute to productivity, goals you want to achieve, etc. Scoring a 3 means that you fully meet that standard - it’s okay to get a 2 in an area, it’d be a concern if you scored 2’s across the board
Timeline Performance evaluation period Appraisal forms launch - July 30, 2024 Employee Self-Review due - August 26, 2024 Outstanding Employee Self-Review moves to Manager Review - August 27, 2024 Appraisals due - September 17, 2024 Merit Increases - effective December 1, 2024
Steps for Completing Employee Self-Evaluation Enter your ratings and comments for UTHealth Houston Performance Standards Tip: Use writing assistant to help complete/provide feedback and calibrate score - make sure to select 1st person
Enter ratings and comments for Performance Goals Print form for discussion with manager (optional) Save and send to manager It’s important to hit the blue button - if you still see blue buttons then that means that your evaluation has not saved and you need to save it before continuing
Manager discussion and employee signature
| Deadline: - Complete Self-Review by August 26th
August 17th | Venita | We will need help transporting supplies to HCC the Friday before the event and with transporting supplies back to OCB after the event We’ll be parking in the garage - free parking Lunch will be provided Wear WFS polos and badges 400 registered - ~190 confirmed Session lasts from 9-1 Let Laura know if you will be working Friday or Saturday
| - Reach out to your providers and have them confirm/deny their attendance
Reminders | | | |