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The Assessment Practice Area is a tool on CLI Engage for teachers to practice child assessments and reports.




  •  You must be logged into CLI Engage
  •  You must have teacher or administrator access to CLI Engage


\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions


Go to and sign in.


These instructions assume that you have already accessed the CLI Engage dashboard.

  1. From the CLI Engage dashboard, go to the red banner labeled Screening, Progress Monitoring, and Observation.

  2. Click on Assessment Practice Area.

  3. On the next screen, select the measure assessment that you would like to view in the Assessment Practice Area. For example, select CIRCLE Progress Monitoring PreK.

  4. Then, you will see a class of demo and practice and demo students and some options. On CLI Engage, this is called the “Student “Class View.” You will see a similar view in the “Assessment” section of CLI Engage, where your actual class roster(s) will appear.

  5. In the Assessment Practice Area, you can practice assessments in English and Spanish, pull sample reports, and practice using the small grouping tool. You can also review the assessments in all three waves (Wave 1=beginning of year; Wave 2=middle of year; Wave 3=end of year) and both languages (English and Spanish).

  6. You will have five PRACTICE children in the Assessment Practice Area. These practice children have no stored mock data, so you can practice starting, advancing, and completing assessments on CLI Engage.

  7. You will also have ten DEMO children in the Assessment Practice Area. These demo children have mock data stored, so you can review how the child’s scores will appear in the student class view, as well as pull sample reports. Below is an example.

  8. On the left of the screen, view the legend of the colors applied to the child child’s scores according to established benchmarks. Below are two examples.

  9. Practice launching an assessment a measure for one of the practice children by clicking this button:

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    You the Play button next to the student’s name to open that student’s folder.

  10. By clicking the Play/Launch button under each measure, you will be able to review all the items in each assessmentmeasure.

  11. Practice excluding a single practice student by clicking this button:  

  12. Or, practice excluding all students from a particular assessment by clicking the button to :Exclude All” under the assessment’s name:

  13. Click the “Reports” button to practice running Class Completion, Class Summary, and Class Growth Reports. When using the reports in the Assessment Practice Area, you will have the same options to pull customized reports as in the real Assessments. Visit the CLI Engage How-to Guides page (under Training & Support) for how-to guides on each of these class-level reports.

  14. Click the “Reports” the Exclude button (button with the white circle) next to the Play/Launch button. You can exclude individual measures or select the Exclude All button to exclude all measures for that student.

  15. Click the Reports button to practice running Class Completion, Class Summary, and Class Growth, and Student Reports. When using the reports in the Assessment Practice Area, you will have the same options to pull customized reports as in the real Assessments. Visit the CLI Engage How-to Guides page (under Training & Support) for how-to guides on each of these class-level reports.Review

  16. Click View Groups to review the small groups that appear in the small grouping tool for your demo children. On CLI Engage, children will be automatically grouped if they are below the benchmark for any assessment. Visit the CLI Engage How-to Guides page (under Training & Support) to view the how-to guide for the small grouping tool.

  17. You can also practice creating new custom groups, for example a custom group for any high-achieving children. Visit the CLI Engage How-to Guides page (under Training & Support) to view the how-to guide for the small grouping tool.

  18. To practice and demo an assessment in another language, click the button for the alternate language:. Click on Click to Assess in English or Click to Assess in Spanish.

  19. At any time, click the button to “Reset Class” to Reset Class to remove the data for your practice children. This feature may be useful if you would like to practice the assessments more than one time during the school year. When you click this button, the data for the demo children will not be removed.

  20. You can also practice the offline assessment feature in the assessment practice area . Visit the CLI Engage How-to Guides page (under Training & Support) to view the how-to guide for the offline assessment feature. To begin, click the “Offline Assessment” button:by clicking the Offline Assessment button.

  21. You can return to the Assessment Practice Area at any time during the school year. Teachers can view assessments for multiple waves on applicable assessments. Use the To change the wave, select the desired wave using the Wave dropdown to view an the assessment in another wave:.

  22. When you are ready to begin real assessments on the children in your class(es), click on the assessment’s name under the “ScreeningScreening, Progress Monitoring, & Observation” tab and Observation banner on the CLI Engage dashboard.


If you need further assistance, please submit a help ticket.
