

At the end of the three-year certification time frame, the ELP will need to be recertified. The mentor may provide support to assist the ELP in ensuring that all necessary documentation is submitted timely and completely. 

The Board and/or contractor should have a system in place to notify ELPs of their upcoming recertification and what is required for submittal, how it can be submitted, when it is due, and the consequences of failure to comply. Since the assessment must take place prior to the end of the three-year certification time frame, staff should notify the ELP in writing of the requirements six months before the three-year period ends. ELPs should submit all required items at least three months before the three-year period ends. Should an ELP fail to meet the Board and/or contractor’s deadline date for submittal, extensions should be offered, as applicable, and any ELP that does not comply will be noted as having voluntarily withdrawn from Texas Rising Star. 

Any screening form impacts are placed on the ELP after the recertification visit is complete and star level is assessed. These impacts are denoted within Engage per the EUG. 

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