Duplicate CATS tickets process

Duplicate CATS tickets process

Process to manage tickets that are found to be duplicates of the same assessment or screening for a particular ELP/school.


When two tickets referencing the same ELP/school AND the same screening or assessment, they are duplicate tickets please follow the process below.


  1. Identify the two tickets referencing the same ELP/school AND the same screening or assessment.

  2. The Assessor or Manager will tag the LFM manager using the @ sign and state what is observed to indicate these are duplicated in Internal Comments section

  3. LFM team identifies duplicate CATS tickets

  4. Link the "original" to the duplicate using "Is duplicated by"

  5. Update Duplicate Ticket? Field to Yes

  6. Status Change to Closed on Duplicate ticket

  7. Assessor work continues on Original CATS ticket

Note: Original ticket has status progression furthest, or if status is same, the first created ticket

This is for the CATS project only at this time.

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