Requesting a Curriculum Review for Assessors

Requesting a Curriculum Review for Assessors

Before requesting a curriculum review, please check the list of curricula reviewed and approved by CAE: https://cliengage.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MoAKIg

If the curriculum of interest is not on the CAE Reviewed and Approved Curricula list or on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) list of approved pre-k curricula, please email your curriculum review request to:


cc: Maria.I.Ruiz@uth.tmc.edu

*If your email has not been acknowledged within 24 hours, please Teams message Sr. Manager

When completing your request:

- Enter this subject: Curriculum Review Request: Program Name

- Include the program’s information: name, CCR license number, address, email, and phone number.

- Include all available information about the curriculum: type of curriculum (e.g., third party, proprietary), age group addressed, curriculum title, publisher, year of publication, and vendor website.

- Provide a PDF copy of the curriculum. If the curriculum is available online only, ask the program director to grant us a temporary access code or submit a PDF version of downloaded lessons.

What happens next?

- A CAE manager designated as the Curriculum Reviewer will evaluate third-party and proprietary curricula.

- The Reviewer will compare the submitted curriculum against CAE’s lists of previously reviewed curricula and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) list of approved pre-k curricula to confirm the curriculum has not been reviewed.

- Once confirmed, the reviewer will use the appropriate TRS curriculum checklist to determine if the curriculum meets the accepted standards of the P-PM-03 Curriculum.

- The reviewer will communicate the curriculum review decision within 5 business days unless an earlier date is requested.

Note: Assessor review emergent curricula. For this type of review, the program will provide the CAE assessor with:

Four (4) lessons if only one age group is served


Two (2) lessons per age group if multiple groups are served.

Assessors will determine if the emergent or theme-based curriculum aligns with early learning guidelines or standards and utilize that information to determine if the lessons meet the accepted standards of P-PM-03 Curriculum.