How to document ITSN trainings in TECPDS?
This article explains how to document your ITSN teacher training so that it counts towards your certification.
To document your ITSN teacher training so that it counts towards your certification you will need to:
Create a roster of attendees to include their first name, last name, and email address to issue training certificates via TECPDS.
It is optional but highly recommended that you use the participant's TECPDS/workforce ID number.
Regardless of whether you train on your own approved content or ITSN content, you must issue certificates through TECPDS.
Click on the How-to Guide links below for step-by-step instructions.
Access Facilitation Guides and PowerPoints from My Training Proposals in TECPDS
Access the QR code to track Training Attendance
Send Training Certificates to Participants through TECPDS
By emailing your participants their certificates your training will show up in a report. This data reflects the ITSN training events you have delivered and that counts towards earning and maintaining your certification. You can use the ITSN Training Planning and Tracking Table at the end of this manual to plan and track your training.
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