Am I Eligible to join the Micro-Credential Program?

Am I Eligible to join the Micro-Credential Program?



In order to participate in the Micro-Credential Program, you must meet currently participate in a CLI Project, Program, or Contract.

You will know that you are eligible if the following has occurred:

  1. You have a CLI contact that will register you for the Micro-Credential Program.

  2. You have received a Welcome Email with instructions on how to begin.


If you are not sure whether you are currently in a CLI Project, Program, or Project, then please complete the CLI Competency Program Help Ticket.

  1. One of our team members will check to see if you are eligible to join the Micro-Credential Program.

  2. You will be added to the wait list if you are not eligible at this time. We will email you when there is an opportunity to join.

Please complete the CLI Competency Program Help Ticket if you are not sure whether you are eligible.

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