How do I create an event?

How do I create an event?

Follow the steps in this guide to create an event in the Certificate Generation Tool.

Phttps://public.tecpds.org/help/how-to-guides/how-to-create-an-event/ RINT


Option 1:

  1. Log into TECPDS and navigate to the Trainer summary area

  2. Create a new training

  3. Review the training on the My Trainings section of the dashboard

  4. Select the blue + Create Event button for your desired training.

  5. Select New Event

  6. Complete all required fields denoted by the red asterisks *Step

  1. Option 2:

  2. Go to the My Events

  3. Select Submit a New Event

  4. Select the training for which you would like to create the event

  5. Click OK

  6. Complete the requested information described in previous slides

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