How do I add Community Logos & Custom Notifications?

How do I add Community Logos & Custom Notifications?

Custom Notifications will appear for all users associated with a community every time they login to CLI Engage. These notifications should be used by Community level users to send out communication and reminders to their community.



You must be logged into CLI Engage
You must be a Community/District Level administrator in CLI Engage


Uploading a Community Logo:

These instructions assume that you have already accessed the CLI Engage dashboard.

  1. From the CLI Engage dashboard, go to the turquoise banner labeled Administrative Tools.

  2. Click on Class and Student Management.

  3. From the table on the left, locate and click on the My Community/District tab.

  4. To upload the logo, search for the logo on your desktop by clicking Browse.

  5. Locate the logo file on your device and click Open.

  6. Scroll down and click Submit.

  7. Select the preview icon to view the uploaded logo.





Create a Custom Notification

Custom Notifications will appear for all users associated with a community every time they login to CLI Engage. These notifications should be used by Community level users to send out communication and reminders to their community.

  1. From the CLI Engage dashboard, go to the turquoise banner labeled Administrative Tools.

  2. Click on Class and Student Management.

  3. From the table on the left, locate and click on the Community Management tab.

  4. Click Edit Custom Notification (looks like a speech bubble under the Action column).

  5. Click the green Add Custom Notification button.

  6. Select the Start On & Stop On dates, in addition to the Status and Message.

  7. Here is where you can check the Display Logo box to add the logo that you uploaded.

  8. After completing all fields and entering the message, scroll down to select Submit.

  9. After submitting, a Custom Notification can be edited by clicking the pencil icon

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