How do I Download A Teacher Video and Upload Feedback Video Using Collaborative Tools?

This guide is to support coaches and specialists in receiving videos from teachers, and sharing feedback with teachers through the Collaborative Tools.


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  1. Downloading Videos from Collaborative Tools

  2. From Dashboard, click on ‘Collaborative Tools’ under the Quality Improvement and Innovation banner.

  3. On the next page, Click on “Teachers.”

  4. Click on the “General” tab.

  5. Next, search for the teacher.

  6. To the far right of the teacher’s name, click on the Download icon under the Action Column to download their video:

Uploading Videos to Collaborative Tools

  1. To Upload your Feedback video, click on the View Icon under the Action Column for the teacher you want to add the feedback for:

  2. Click on “Select File” under Coach Feedback.

  3. Click on “Start Upload.”

  4. Then, click on “Submit” to share with the teacher:

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