Need CLI Engage Account for a User Who Never Accessed CLI Engage before?

Need CLI Engage Account for a User Who Never Accessed CLI Engage before?

This article will discuss the steps new users should take, if they never accessed CLI Engage before and they need an account created.

  1. Inform administrator that they can create your account IF you never had a CLI Engage account. Provide them the link to the how to guide with step by step instructions:

     i.     https://public.cliengage.org/training/support/how-to-guides/how-to-create-a-teacher/

     ii.     https://public.cliengage.org/training/support/how-to-guides/create-school-specialists-and-grant-access-to-campus-data/


  1. If the administrator does not want to create an account, submit a help ticket via this link:


a. Provide your current employer’s information:

Job Title, School/Center Name, School/Center Address, License/School Number

  1. Reach out to your administrator

a. Inform them, a CLI Engage team member will be reaching out via email to request authorization to create your account under the school/center you are requesting

i. CLI Staff will reach out to several administrators that are active in CLI Engage

 ii. IF no administrators are in CLI Engage, CLI Staff will refer to DFPS or the school’s website to find a verifiable administrator

  1. Once CLI receives authorization from your administrator via email, the following will occur:

a. CLI Engage Staff will create account

b. Invitation will be sent to complete registration

c. User will need to check email and click the link sent to complete registration

Once registration has been completed, you will be taken to our dashboard. If you need to create a Google Account when registering, refer to https://cliengage.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/kb/view/269156651