Do you have a Collaboration/Partnership and Need it Set Up in CLI Engage?

Do you have a Collaboration/Partnership and Need it Set Up in CLI Engage?

CLI Engage offers opportunities for organizations to share teacher and child data directly on CLI Engage for classrooms in partnership or collaboration. Our system provides opportunities for state agencies, regional organizations, school districts, Head Start agencies, and many others to facilitate enhanced partnership. CLI Engage currently houses many types of collaborations, including those between school districts, Head Start programs, and private child care, demonstrating our state’s rich history of local partnership.

The formal approval process for collaboration classrooms on CLI Engage ensures that all partners agree to share the partnered classrooms, and only these classrooms. On CLI Engage, collaborations are established at the child level; this allows partners to share only those children receiving services from both organizations.

To get started, please view the link provided and submit your Collaboration Assistance Help Ticket Collaborative Partnership

  • Choose ‘requesting configuration of a new collaboration’ option

    • You can submit up to 14 different partners on one ticket

To view the steps and video about this process, please refer to the link provided below:
