Ed-Fi ECDS Submission

Ed-Fi ECDS Submission

This is for districts using the Ed-Fi ECDS Submission.


For the 24-25 school year, LEAs in Texas will report PK and KG Assessment results to ECDS via the Ed-Fi IODS (Individual Operational Data Store) instead of using the XML files that have been used in the past. Typically, the PEIMS Coordinator will be in charge of this task and will use the functionality in CLI Engage as stated in the following steps:

  1. ☐  SIS vendor uploads student data to IODS.

  2. ☐  PEIMS Coordinator verifies Student data on IODS.

For assistance with obtaining the Client ID & Client Secret, contact your SIS vendor.

  1. ☐  PEIMS Coordinator goes to the TSDS Data Management Center and generates client ID and Secret for the Assessment Vendor Claim Set. Copy and paste into a Notepad document, some other word processors can alter some characters.

For assistance on this step, refer to the TSDS Implementation Guide or submit a TIMS ticket.

  1. ☐  PEIMS Coordinator enters ID and Secret on CLI Engage and tests the connection.     

4.1 If needed, the PEIMS Coordinator will request District-level access to CLI Engage at:
                      CLI Engage Access Request

4.2 Log into https://cliengage.org

4.3 Go to Community Management to view the Community Management page

4.4 Click the Edit (pencil button) icon under the Action column

4.5 Scroll down to the Ed-Fi IODS Settings section on your community/district page.

              4.6 Enter the Ed-Fi Client ID and Ed-Fi Client Secret then, press Test Connection.

If the connection is successful, the Push Data buttons will turn green.

  1. ☐  The PEIMS Coordinator can click the checkboxes under Enable Real Time Transmission to enable this feature that allows the student assessment scores to be transmitted to the IODS when they are completed by the teacher (in real time).

It is recommended only to check off boxes for the assessment that will be reported and for the wave that is being tested, that is, W1 during the BOY testing period and W3 during the EOY period.

  1. ☐  The PEIMS Coordinator can click Push Data under the On-demand transmission section to transmit the appropriate assessment data to the IODS.

It is recommended only to push data for the assessment that will be reported and for the wave that is being tested, that is, W1 during the BOY testing period and W3 during the EOY period.

  1. ☐  The PEIMS Coordinator will review the Comments section and the PD and ID files under Reports.

 7.1 The Comments will indicate how many records (scores) CLI Engage tried to transmit to the IODS that resulted in success or failure.

7.2 The purple ID file is a file that shows students with duplicate, missing or invalid TSDS ID. This ID file can be used on the Student BUP page to update student records as needed.

7.3 The brown RT file shows the log of the Real Time transmissions with the failure/success details.

7.4 The green PD file shows the log of the Push Data jobs with the failure/success details.

7.5 The lilac SG file shows the log of the deleted and transmitted scores triggered by the Student Grade Level change.

Links for Assistance

For assistance on step 2, contact your SIS vendor.

For assistance on the following steps after the scores are on your IODS, contact TEA at: Texas Education Agency

For information on ECDS key dates:

If you need further assistance from CLI Engage, please submit a help ticket.

  • IODS = Individual Operational Data Store

  • SIS = Student Information System (districts uses different vendors)

  • ID Report = Identification report

  • RT Report= Real Time transmission report (shows what data has already been transmitted in real time)

  • PD Report= Push Data report (when ECDS user clicks to submit their data and the report tells them all failures & successes)


How does the Ed-Fi transmission work on CLI Engage?
CLI Engage only transmits four main data pieces to the IODS:

  1. Student’s TSDS ID: This is the only Student identifier, that means that, without a valid TSDS ID, no score can be transmitted.

  2. Measure Name: The measure name is a combination of the assessment and academic subject.

  3. Score: Only the numerical score is transmitted; the benchmark indicator is not part of the requirements.

  4. Score Date: The date when the score was created.


Ed-Fi Transmission Rules

  1. The student status can be active or inactive.

  2. The student must have a score on any of the academic domains reported to ECDS.

For PreK:

ECDS Domain

English CIRCLE PreK Measure

Spanish CIRCLE PreK Measure

ECDS Domain

English CIRCLE PreK Measure

Spanish CIRCLE PreK Measure

Language and Communication

Rapid Vocabulary Naming

Vocabulario rápido

Emergent Literacy Reading

Rapid Letter Naming

Letras rápidas

Emergent Literacy Writing

Early Writing Skills

Escritura temprana




Health and Wellness

Social and Emotional


For KG:

ECDS Domain

English TX KEA Measure

Spanish TX KEA Measure

ECDS Domain

English TX KEA Measure

Spanish TX KEA Measure

Language and Communication



Emergent Literacy Reading

Letter Names

Nombres de las letras

Emergent Literacy Writing




Mathematics Parts 1 and 2

Matemáticas partes 1 y 2

Health and Wellness

Social and Emotional


KG Literacy Screener

KG Literacy Screener

KG Literacy Screener Spanish

  1. PreK scores are only transmitted if, the student’s grade level is PK.

  2. KG scores are only transmitted if, the student’s grade level is KG.

  3. The student must have a valid TSDS ID in CLI Engage. For CLI Engage, a valid TSDS ID is a 10-digit number. CLI Engage cannot verify that the TSDS ID belongs to the student.

  4. If multiple students in the District have the same TSDS ID, scores will not be transmitted for anyone until the duplicate issue is resolved. These students are placed on the purple ID report.

  5. Scores for students with invalid or missing TSDS IDs are not transmitted and these students are placed on the purple ID report.

  6. If the scores of a student were already transmitted to the IODS and the grade level is changed, for example, from PK to KG, the scores will be deleted from the IODS.

  7. If the student grade level is changed and has scores of the corresponding assessment, for example, from KG back to PK, the scores will be transmitted to the IODS.

  8. The Ed-Fi transmission is not filtered by the student enrollment/withdrawal dates.

  9. The Ed-Fi transmission is not filtered by testing window dates.


Real Time Transmission
When this feature is enabled, the score will be transmitted when the Teacher completes a measure.
If a score is invalidated or deleted on CLI Engage, it will also be deleted from the IODS. Only School and District-level users can invalidate student scores.

On-demand Transmission
When the Push Data is clicked, all the scores will be transmitted. If the student already had a score for that measure on the IODS, the score will be updated in the IODS according to the current one.


This field displays the high-level status of the On-demand Transmission and can display the following values:


The transmission job is waiting its turn to be executed.


The transmission job is waiting its turn to be executed.


The transmission is taking place.


The transmission job is complete.


The transmission job has failed due to connection problems between CLI Engage and the IODS. In these cases, try again.

This field provides the count of scores that were successfully transmitted or failed. Please note that Finished jobs may have failed transmissions.


There are four different reports that will help identify failures in the transmissions and need to be reviewed after each On-demand transmission.

  1. The purple ID report is a file that shows students with duplicate, missing, or invalid TSDS ID. This file can be used in the Student BUP page to update student records as needed.
    Student BUP page

Please note that students placed on ID file are not considered in the Failures count as their scores were excluded from the transmission job, for that reason, this file must be reviewed always.

After the records on the ID file are fixed, perform a new On-demand transmission.

  1. The brown RT file is the log of the Real Time transmissions with the failure/success details.
    This file will contain all the transmissions done in the school year.
    Use filters to look at Status = Failed.

  2. The green PD file is the log of the Push Data jobs with the failure/success details. Every transmission is done by Batch ID (column A), and the final status is shown on column J. Use filters to look at the most recent batch and Status = Failed.

For both, the RT and PD reports, the most common failure is error Code:409 … Student not found, which means that the student has not been uploaded to the IODS by the SIS vendor. This error will be in the Comments shown on column M. After the Students are loaded on the IODS, perform a new On-demand transmission and verify that there are no more failures.

  1. The lilac SG file is the log of the deleted and transmitted scores triggered by the Student Grade Level change.



Enable real time transmission and push data only for the Wave 1 assessments during the BOY testing season and only for the Wave 3 assessments during the EOY testing season. Complete the process on ECDS at the end of BOY and again at the end of EOY. If a teacher generates BOY scores at the middle or towards the end of the school year, they will be transmitted if a data push is done or if the real time transmission stayed enabled.
Resolve the issues on the purple ID report. None of the scores associated with those students are being transmitted.
Make sure that the SIS vendor uploads students with error Code:409 on the brown RT or the green PT files.


Click on the video to watch more about ECDS Uploads on CLI Engage:



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