TPRI: Why are there TPRI Branching Rules?

TPRI: Why are there TPRI Branching Rules?


The TPRI Branching Rules lays out the process for each assessment and the next steps depending on the score of the student. These branching rules were established to reduce administration time and student frustration. The tasks are ordered by difficulty and the TPRI Branching Rules allow the teacher to skip sections that the student will not be likely to complete based on their performance on easier tasks.

It will guide you through the Screening and Inventory Sections and attempt to lead students to tasks that will provide the most relevant information about specific instructional needs. Following the TPRI Branching Rules is essential to ensure students are not over-tested or under-tested, and that assessment time is spent on tasks that will be most helpful in planning effective instruction for each student.

With sufficient time, teachers may assess any tasks for a more comprehensive view of their students’ skill proficiency and provide additional data to help set learning objectives and plan instruction.

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