How do I set dates using the Assessment Lock feature in CLI Engage?

How do I set dates using the Assessment Lock feature in CLI Engage?

With this functionality, each district can determine the testing dates for each assessment and for each of its waves by displaying or not the measure launch icons. Scores already collected at any wave will stay visible and retain the ability to run reports and use the grouping tool. Districts will be able to change these dates at any time as needed.

This feature will prevent teachers from assessing in the wrong wave or outside the district testing windows; however, this tool will not filter data included on any report or on the Ed-Fi results transmission to ECDS (for Public Schools in Texas).


  1. From the Dashboard, scroll down and click Class & Student Management.

  2. On the Community page, click the 3rd icon under the Action column.

  3. Add Start and End dates for the assessments and waves that you want to control. If a field is left blank, no Start or End limits will be imposed.

  4. Once the dates have been entered, scroll down and click Submit.


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