Upon completion of a monitoring visit, the assessor Assessor will input scores into CLI Engage. If the results of a monitoring visit determine that the ELP is unable to maintain their certified star level and calculate a drop in overall star level, an SIA will go into effect. SIAs (Service Improvement Agreement) are six-month mandatory agreements designed to assist ELPs in maintaining their current star level. SIAs begin on the day that the ELP is notified of the monitoring assessment results. Technical assistance through the SIA, in collaboration with the ELP’s CQIP, will focus on the categories that resulted in the lower overall star level calculated at the monitoring visit.
The Texas Rising Star–certified ELP retains its current star level while on the SIA. The assessor Assessor will complete the applicable sections of the Texas Rising Star Impacts Notice form (located within Section 5 of the Guidelines), and the ELP will be instructed to sign for understanding. (Note: Refusal to sign does not change the implementation of the SIA.) The assessor Assessor will record in the Engage event log the initiation of the SIA (specific to dates and categories covered) per the guidance provided in the EUG.
During those six months, the ELP is to be offered access to mentoring services in coordination with its CQIP. The ELP may refuse mentoring services; however, it should be made aware that the SIA will still be in place with an SIA assessment scheduled at its completion. Within 30 days after the end date of the six-month SIA time frame, an assessment of the categories originally observed as deficient is conducted for all classrooms and staff, as applicable to the category. The ELP is provided a two-week window for the assessment and is allowed to block out up to three dates within the window for the assessor Assessor to consider when scheduling the visit.
An event log should be added to document this visit, the results of the assessment (maintained star level or change in star level), and the completion of the SIA. Please see the EUG for additional guidance. Additionally, the assessor Assessor will complete the bottom portion of the Texas Rising Star Impacts Notice form.