Program Overview
The Texas Infant-Toddler Specialist Network is dedicated to improving the quality of infant and toddler care throughout the state. By completing your ITSN Specialist Certification you will expand your specialist toolkit, and gain access to resources, professional development, and networking.
The purpose of certification is to increase your knowledge and skills on infant and toddler resources and training content and then use the information to train and coach teachers and directors you support.
A component of your certification is diving into the Texas Core Competencies for trainers and coaches supporting the larger goal of ensuring teachers and directors have access to high quality professional development. In the network we are all working together to improve outcomes for infants and toddlers in Texas.
List of Texas Core Competencies for Trainers:
You can find the link to these competencies here.
Adult Learning Theory
Training Delivery and Methodologies
Transfer of Learning
Training Content Development
Monitoring and Evaluating Training Effectiveness
Characteristics of Effective Trainers
List of Texas Core Competencies for Coaches:
You can find the link to these competencies here.
Adult Learning Theory
Characteristics of Effective Specialists
Providing Feedback
Fostering Reflective Thinking
Demonstration and Verbal Cues
Supporting Continuous Improvement
Support System
As part of the Texas ITSN Specialist Certification Program, you will be assigned a mentor. Your mentor will be an ITSN internal specialist who will guide you through the program, provide coaching support, and help you stay on track.
You will communicate with your mentor at least twice per month through the method that works best for you: phone calls, Zoom virtual meetings, office hours, or email. Office hours are offered three times a week and appointments are not necessary. Visit the Specialist Training Calendar to find office hours and click the zoom link to join.
Once you receive the email introducing you to your ITSN mentor, copy down the following information in a place where you can easily access it :
ITSN Internal Specialist Mentor Name: ________________________________________________
ITSN Mentor Email: ____________________________________________________________________
ITSN Mentor Phone Number: _________________________________________________________