Requirements to Achieving Certification
Become a registered trainer on TECPDS (Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System)
Attend 2 ITSN Specialist Certification Meetings (virtual)
Complete 9 virtual Professional Learning Community (PLC) trainings. Each topic PLC is offered for trainers to focus on the ITSN content and trainer competencies and for coaches to focus on ITSN content and coaching competencies. From the ITSN Specialist Training Calendar, choose at least one topic PLC for either trainers or coaches (the other can be used as a free choice PLC):
Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines (ITELG)
Connect with Me Parts 1-4
Connect with Me: Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behaviors-Part 5
Talk with Me
Learn with Me
Texas Core Competencies for Practitioners and Administrators
Grow with Me
Family Engagement
1 PLC of your choice or mentor recommendation
Complete online prerequisite courses for PLCs
Attend the Infant & Toddler Foundations Training of Trainers 3-day training (virtual)
Facilitate and document a minimum of 5 infant and toddler trainings by requesting a training event and issuing certificates through TECPDS.
Complete and document 10 contact hours (mentoring/coaching) on infant and toddler content by submitting a monthly contact hours survey. You can find the contact hours survey here:
Submit a training video delivering ITSN content