You must complete the course or webinar as part of earning your certification and before you can access ITSN training content to present to teachers. These courses and webinars can be found on CLI Engage.
The Program Outline section will detail which courses need to be completed to earn certification.
List of courses and webinars on CLI Engage:
Introduction to Specialist PLCs Webinar on CLI Engage *optional*
Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-year-Old Early Learning Guidelines (ITELGs) Orientation Webinar
Become a trainer on the Texas Trainer Registry
Connect with Me: Promoting Social and Emotional Development (Part 1, 2, 3, or 4)
Connect with Me: Promoting Social and Emotional Development (Part 5 - Challenging Behaviors)
Talk with Me: Promoting Early Language Development (Part 1, 2, or 3)
Learn with Me: Promoting Early Cognitive Development (Part 1, 2, or 3)
Texas Core Competencies for Practitioners and Administrators webinar
Grow with Me: Understanding and Using Developmental Assessments
Family Engagement webinar
Family Engagement course