5/8/24 Fidelity Monitoring

5/8/24 Fidelity Monitoring


 Discussion topics





Next Step and Deadline





Next Step and Deadline

Statewide PLCs & Micro-credentials


  • All managers should now be able to see the Statewide Fidelity Report (it should update daily)

  • As of April, we had 89.76% of PLC attendance - we want to get this number to 95%

    • It’s important to attend because you receive valuable feedback

  • Video uploads were at 52% - we also want to get this number to increase

    • You can record your remote sessions

    • At least 20 minutes of interaction with the provider

  • Videos and PLCs can support you

    • When you participate in the PLCs, you get the chance to hear feedback from other mentors - you get the chance to walk away with new perspectives/advice on how you mentor

    • PLCs give you additional knowledge and skills that can help improve the way you mentor directors/teachers

    • This is your chance to bounce ideas off of other mentors from across the state

    • This is a community that is there solely to support you - it’s a “safe space” for you to ask questions and get more information on things you may not know about

  • TWC has asked us to temporarily modify the submissions of videos - this does not mean you shouldn’t submit them, however

    • the more videos you submit, the better opportunity you will have to receive a badge

    • PLC attendance hasn’t changed

    • TWC is asking you to bring a copy of a CQIP that you’d like feedback on to the PLCs in place of videos (until December - but still record and submit videos)



Mentor Tracking Log


  • Log a minimum of 24 hours per week

Conversations/Thoughts about the Data:

  • After being given training/more information on how to document hours in the log, the numbers have improved greatly

  • The # of schools that we are delivering our sessions to has decreased since January - why are we reaching less schools?

    • The # of PLCs/workshops have increased and we reach a lot of schools through this, but maybe this is being counted collectively rather than individually which skews the numbers

    • ELDs are bowing out/cancelling/being nonresponsive - how do we record the nonresponsive ELDs?

      • You document 3 different attempts in the event log

    • We had 5 Mondays in April that were dedicated to ELD training for the ELD mentors - this took away from the mentoring hours/time spent with providers

      • the Symposium was also an all-day thing that restricted mentoring for that day

    • We should also anticipate numbers being impacted when after-school/school-age programs alter their hours once summer starts

    • Closure Months - Pre-Assessment Tab

      • If your program is going to be closed in May/june/july/august, make sure to update the closure months in the pre-assessment tab

      • this is important because we want to have accurate data when we run reports

Certification Process

  • Once a program becomes certified, you’ll meet with the assessor to go over the results and notify Campbell when this happens

  • A certified mentor will be assigned to the program and you will meet with the provider to walk them through this transition

  • As of right now, this process is on pause - no reassignment will be happening until this process resumes

    • ELD programs that are newly certified will stay with their ELD mentor for the time being

Coaching/Mentoring Newly Certified Programs

  • Continue to provide them technical assistance and mentoring support

  • Work on the measures that they scored low on in the assessment

  • Create CQIPs and write action steps

  • Utilize the Mentoring Plan document

  • Review the observation and assessment data - create the CQIP (working with the director) - identify 2 teachers that you will provide individualized support for

Programs on Suspension/Probation

  • Treat them almost like an ELD

  • These programs are on a strict timeline - they have 6 months

  • Mentor around their probation - look into the violations they have

  • In the future, we will hold trainings for these providers

    • all who are on suspension/ineligible

    • will discuss the most common deficiencies and explain them & why it’s important

    • these trainings will be virtual

Facility Change

  • You will be helping them submit a new application

  • Document the facility change in the event log

  • Follow the protocol on page 14 of the handbook



ELP Assessment Ready










TRS Assessments
































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