How do I register to attend an ITSN Specialist Program PLC?

How do I register to attend an ITSN Specialist Program PLC?

This article explains how to register for an Infant-Toddler Specialist Network Specialist Program Professional Learning Community (PLC). PLCs are live, online professional development sessions that offer training, support, and networking opportunities.



  1. From the Texas ITSN website, go to the Specialists menu tab and click on Specialist Training Calendar.

  2. On the Specialist Training Calendar click on the training topic you would like to register for to open the information box.

  3. Make note of the prerequisites for the session and complete them in CLI Engage if needed.

  4. In the information box, scroll down and click on the registration link.

  5. Fill out the PLC registration completely and submit.

  6. You will receive an email 2-3 days before the PLC confirming your registration with details for the Zoom meeting.

The PLC prerequisites give you an introduction of the topic/resource and allow you to be more prepared to share ideas and learn the content shared in the PLC.

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