Texas school districts and charter schools submit pre-K data to upload into TEA’s Early Childhood Data System (ECDS) through Ed-Fi IODS submission. Texas districts are required to submit beginning-of-year (BOY) and end-of-year (EOY) child progress monitoring data.
\uD83D\uDCD8 2024-25 ECDS Process for Pre-K Data
Teachers complete progress monitoring throughout the school year
Districts must review student information data and resolve any errors
ECDS will accept pre-K data beginning Monday, November 11, 2024. Districts can choose to upload BOY data after their initial progress monitoring window closes, followed by EOY data later in the Spring (preferred method). Or, upload both BOY and EOY data together.
Due date for prekindergarten ECDS data: Thursday, June 26, 2025 by 11:59 PM
\uD83D\uDCD8 Your Submission to ECDS
LEAs will report Pre-k assessment results to ECDS via the Ed-Fi IODS. For more information about this process visit: Ed-Fi ECDS Submission
Ensure that all students have TSDS IDs (only students with TSDS IDs will be included in the export)
Ensure that any duplicate students have been removed
Update and adjust enrollment and withdrawal dates to exclude students who were not enrolled during your assessment window
Important information about your ECDS submission:
Data from Circle Progress Monitoring from BOY and EOY only, in specific domains (see required measures below)
For most districts: wave 1 (BOY) and wave 3 (EOY)
For those using CPM at 4 waves: wave 1 (BOY) and wave 4 (EOY)
TSDS IDs required for students
Reports include scores only for students with a valid 10-digit TSDS ID
Students with missing, invalid, or duplicate TSDS ID are not included
Assessment window (dates) required
\uD83D\uDCD8 Required CPM Measures for ECDS
The following table shows the Circle Progress Monitoring measures that will be required for the Early Childhood Data System (ECDS). The measures for this school year have not changed since prior years. For complete reporting to ECDS, organizations must assess the measures listed below at beginning-of-year (known as Wave 1 in CLI Engage) and end-of-year (Wave 3) in prekindergarten classrooms.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Recommended Measures for Better Instructional Planning
The following table shows all available Circle Progress Monitoring measures on CLI Engage. CLI and TEA strongly recommend using the following bolded measures in your prekindergarten classrooms at multiple time points throughout the school year to capture a more complete snapshot of children’s development.