Centralized Assessment Entity Support
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Will assessors work remotely?
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Assessors
Do I have to move to Houston?
Will my salary remain the same?
What is the Centralized Assessment Entity?
Where do I go to apply for CLI jobs?
What are the benefits of becoming a UT Health/CLI employee?
Will I have professional development opportunities?
When do I need to apply to the UT Health/CLI jobs by?
Will I get training on my new role?
Will I have to travel?
What equipment will assessors receive?
When will current assessors stop conducting assessments?
Can I apply for different Assessor levels no matter my region?
Will travel be reimbursed?
How many Assessors will be hired in each area?
Who will assessors report to?
What if someone is starting the process of becoming an Assessor but is not yet certified?
Will travel include overnight stays?
Has there been consideration for assessors that are not able to travel due to home commitments?
Will all upcoming positions for the Centralized Assessment Entity be remote?
What boards would be grouped into regions?
How will caseloads be managed?
Will the new assessor positions be salary-based?
Will there be holidays and paid time off?
What will the employee benefits consist of?
Are all assessors required to travel to Houston?
How far outside of current regions will assessors be required to travel as a part of this transition ?
Will hiring continue past the September 1st start date?
Where can dual-role assessors apply, if interested?
If the targeted amount of assessor positions cannot be staffed, will the hiring team reach out to recruit dual-role assessors?
Will there be any part-time assessor offerings?
If an existing assessor chooses to not move forward with this transition, when will they stop assessing?
What is the job description for the new assessor role?
What does the hiring process consist of?
If an existing assessor has plans to relocate outside of their current designated service region, will they still be able to work remotely?
Will any assessors be deemed as first priority to hire, based on factors like certification date, etc.?
Are assessors required to use their personal vehicles for travel? If so, will mileage be paid/reimbursed?
How far are assessors required to travel outside of their region?
Where will I go to make assessment packets?
How will assessors scan in their documents if working remotely? Will scanners be provided?
How many assessor positions is CLI looking to hire and how many assessors are there currently?
What will the work load look like with CLI? How many days will we be out on assessments and how much time are we given to complete the paperwork for assessments?
Will travel outside of our region be the norm or occasional?
What are the education requirements for the new Assessors?
If I have previous engagements that I was expecting to take time off for, will I be able to request that time off if I am on a new employee probationary period?
Can I refuse to travel certain places?
Will I get my promised bonus if I choose not to continue full time?
Will our interview be virtual or in person?
If I have further questions, who should I contact?
Will the technology equipment be provided by CLI, including laptops, wifi, and work cell?
I am a contractor with a contract to assess for three different workforce boards. What do these changes mean to me? Will I still be a contractor?
Is there a possibility that I will not be retained for my position?
When having to travel outside of our region, what is our expected notification timeline so that we may better prepare for travel and assessment?
When we travel out of our region what expenses are covered by CLI and will it be reimbursement or all covered upfront?
How much will we be required to travel?
If I care for elderly parents or young children, can I travel less?
We were told we would get a $5000 bonus for getting certified by December 2021. Is that still the case?
Would the Quarterly Reliabilities still take place?
What will the assessor tiers look like?
How long will assessors that serve dual role have to keep assessing in their board area?
Since the dual role assessors will have to continue both roles, will they be awarded any monetary incentives?
If I'm a dual role assessor, am I able to apply as a full time assessor? If not, why?
Will assessors be able to turn down assessments that require travel outside their region due to personal conflicts?
Will those who have contracts with boards be able to continue assessing through the end of that contract?
If I am the only Assessor in my region, how will traveling outside my region affect me?
When we travel, will we be given the option to fly or drive?
Can you describe "working remotely"?
What are the health benefits for assessors with pre-existing medical conditions?
How is time accumulated and what kind of time do we accumulate?
What will be our work hours?
Will our time roll over or will we have to start over?
How many assessments per week will be expected?
When will the current assessors in Board areas stop conducting assessments?
Will we have to share a room with other assessors for overnight stays?
If an assessor that plays a dual role of assessing and mentoring does not apply for a CAE position, will they still be assessing for their local board or will assessing stop and have a sole role of mentoring come 9/4/23?
Can Gulf Coast Assessor staff apply for a different position within the 6-month probationary period?
Assessment Printable Template Forms
Requesting a Curriculum Review for Assessors
FAQ (Early Learning Programs)
Centralized Assessment Entity FAQ for Local Workforce Boards
Business Manual
Orientation Week
Transition Week
How-to articles
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Centralized Assessment Entity Support
Will there be any part-time assessor offerings?
Will there be any part-time assessor offerings?
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Jul 05, 2023
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