How to Upload a Video to the ITSN Video Submissions Course

How to Upload a Video to the ITSN Video Submissions Course

The ITSN Video Submission Course is where you will upload your training video. Please note that you may need to upload your video again if you previously uploaded it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


To access the course, please follow the 9 steps listed below:

  1. Click this link: https://lms.cliengage.org/course/view.php?id=5086

  2. Log into your CLI Engage Account

  3. Click on the ITSN Video Submission Tile



  1. Click ‘ITSN Certification Video’ from the pop-up window

  2. Click the blue ‘Add Submission’ button



  1. An ‘Online Text’ box will be at the top. In the box, please type the following:

    1. Date of training event

    2. Title of training

  2. Scroll down, and you will see the File Submission section

    1. TIP: dragging your video and dropping it in the file section is the fastest way. You can click the files link to upload, but that can take longer.

  3. Click the blue ‘Save Changes’ button


  1. You will be directed back to your submission page. Click ‘Submit Assignment’ when you are ready for us to review your video