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How can I download community, school, class, and student assessment reports in CLI Engage?
How do I Create a Class in CLI Engage?
How do I delete a teacher on CLI Engage?
How do I Add/Drop a Student using Class Roster Management?
How do I Access My Child’s Progress Monitoring Results?
How do I Print Parent PIN Pages?
What is the Difference Between each CLI User Role?
What are the requirements for Automated Rostering?
How do I generate a Community Level Summary Report?
How do I Generate a Community Completion Report?
How do I Generate a Student Report for Parents?
How do I Generate a Student Results Export Report?
How do I Generate My Class Summary (Percentile Rank) Report for TX KEA?
How do I retrieve or download reports using My Report?
How do I locate and administer the first grade Dyslexia Screener on Tejas LEE?
How do I locate and administer the Kindergarten Dyslexia Screener in CLI Engage?
How do I locate and administer the First Grade Dyslexia Screener on TPRI?
How do I Export My Data Using the XML File Download?
How do I Verify Student TSDS IDs in CLI Engage?
How do I use Class Roster Management to manually update the class roster?
How do I Add and Assign a Replacement Teacher?
How do I access and complete the Single Roster Upload template to upload my class rosters?
How can I get an account on CLI Engage?
How do I Access the TPRI & Tejas LEE Offline Assessments?
Where Can I Find PDF/Paper Assessments?
How to add and update parent email addresses
How to inactivate user accounts in Engage
How do I request my Childs Assessment Results?
How do I find my CLI Engage ID?
Why Can't I Log into Engage When I Have an Account
How do I correct the Invalid Assessment Language Error on my SRU template?
How do I Assign a Teacher to a Class?
How do I access the Assessment Practice Area?
How do I add Community Logos & Custom Notifications?
How do I Create and Post Discussions in Facilitated Courses?
How do I Download A Teacher Video and Upload Feedback Video Using Collaborative Tools?
How do I Film a Walk-Through Video in Infant & Toddler Classrooms
How Do I Create a Google Account to use for CLI Engage?
How Do I Create My Activities in the CIRCLE Activity Collection?
How Do I Enroll Learners in Facilitated Courses?
How to Login to CLI Engage?
(THIS ARTICLE IS IN PROGRESS - Link to PDF not accessible by all users = TBD in January) How do I Upload a Classroom Video as a TSR Comprehensive Teacher? (Collaborative Tools is now known as My Coaching & Feedback Center)
How Teachers Can Upload a Video Using Collaborative Tools?
How Teachers Enroll in Facilitated Courses?
How to Accept Your CLI Engage Invitation and Login for the First Time with Google?
How do I perform a School Bulk Upload Process?
How do I Request and Receive a Certificate after Completion?
How do I save favorites in My Activities?
How do I Navigate The Public Access?