Transition FAQs | Katie | Communication to Providers Draft letter from WFS to ELPs was received on 10/2 If you receive questions, you can continue to share:
Staffing and Resources
Available Positions HGAC Positions We do not have access to job titles, salaries, or benefits Transfers to HGAC are not “guaranteed” As we receive more information on available HGAC positions we will share them with you
CLI Positions As more positions become available, they will be shared via email and Teams The HR team is in the process of opening/reactivating more positions - expect more positions to go live in the next few days
Expectations for October On-Going Mentoring Visits Finish collecting documentation for ELDs Support certified programs with recertification Conduct typical visits to certified programs Update/finalize documentation in CLI Engage
Delivery of all planned provider trainings Friday coding calls are still highly recommended
Next Steps
Reference Letters from Managers | |
Q&A | | Do we have a more specific timeline on when providers will receive communication from HGAC?
Take advantage of your insurance
When will our last pay-period end
What should we do with our files?
10/17 meeting - is it all day or a set time?
Performance reviews
Job opportunities | |