4/12/24 Mentor Meeting

4/12/24 Mentor Meeting


 Discussion topics





Next Step and Deadline





Next Step and Deadline

Klarifications with Katie


Telework-Hybrid-WFH in a Mentor Role (presentation)

general misconceptions

  • telework schedules are guaranteed

    • all WFS positions were posted and hired as in-person; therefore, hybrid/telework is “voluntary”

    • reference Hoop 228 policy

    • telework agreements have to be submitted and approved. once approved, a telework agreement can be modified or revoked at any point in time

  • everyone at CLI only has 2 days in office

    • one of CLI’s principles is “Collaboration” - there is something about in-person collaboration that yields better results

    • we are not in the habit of swapping in-person/telework days

    • telework schedules are based on the needs of the team/project

    • if you are not in the office on the designated days, you are either working in the community (if agreed upon), taking PTO, or following COVID protocol

project-specific misconceptions

  • the mentor log is the end all be all

    • it should reflect that you are capable of getting your work done

    • it is not the sole source of data used to determine telework

  • the log should summarize my efforts and intentions - not where i am actually working

    • it should reflect what you are actually doing and where you are actually doing it

    • new reporting efforts in place to ensure production targets are appropriately aligned; conducting analysis of time and outputs

  • i should avoid taking off so i can get my mentoring hours

    • hours can/will be adjusted - common sense and equity will always prevail

    • you have to take care of yourself and your family

  • all of my coaching can be done remotely

    • fact - but that is not the design agreed upon by the board

  • i can adjust my schedule to never/rarely go to OCB

needs of the project

  • support TRS

    • there are more than 35,000 children in care - we are responsible for how these children are cared for

    • Certified programs are in a better position to positively affect the physical/social-emotional/cognitive development of children - we are responsible for getting them to that position

    • we are the largest LWDB area in the entire country

    • the children in TRS are children from low-income families - they are at a higher vulnerability when it comes to care and early education

      • we have an opportunity to make a significant impact on the children and families that we serve

what does telework look like for a WFS mentor?

  • Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday

    • home is your starting/end point

    • the majority of your time should still be spent in the community visiting centers; remote coaching is an option, but not the only option

    • a senior leader/manager/new staff/ and admin will be at OCB each day - you can always come in if you need to

  • Thursday - Friday

    • in the office on thursdays

    • conduct remote coaching sessions

    • catching up on case management, paperwork, planning for upcoming visit(s), copying, scanning, etc.

    • attending meetings

    • supporting “office hours”

    • the purpose of being in the office is to collaborate with others and be together

questions you may have

  • so is there a time i am actually home?

    • yes - bottom line remains that mentors will have control of their calendars

  • what are my hours on M-T-W?

    • exactly what they would be if you were at the office

  • how come x,y,z gets to do a, b, c and i don’t?

    • the roles and responsibilities on this project vary significantly

    • we have created a plan that is believed to be equitable, based on job requirements

    • katie is always open to constructive feedback and willing to answer questions - continuous quality improvement is one of the core values of CLI

  • what if i have to work after hours for a training or to visit a center?

    • talk to your manager one-on-one

    • our goal is to maintain equity among everyone

mentor questions:

  • suzette

    • how will hours be adjusted when we take off?

      • there’s not an absolute answer, it will vary depending on the situation - all factors will be taken into consideration

    • i get a number of calls from programs that are not on my caseload, how do i log this? these calls exceed 30 minutes because they’re venting and we have to talk them down

      • that would not count as mentoring hours

  • miesha

    • can i upload every detailed piece of work into the log in order to ensure that i have security if a provider challenges something?

      • there is not one individual space where you need to be logging this information -

      • the state pulls data from the Event Log, so it is important that you are including detailed updates of your touch-points with providers (mentor visit form)

  • marielle

    • do i need to upload a visit report when i have a virtual/phone session with a provider?

      • yes, and make sure you upload it into the event log

  • jessica

    • i have had providers from other mentors calling to complain about being terminated/etc. and i speak to them on the phone and look into the specific situation if their mentor is busy - why wouldn’t that count toward mentoring hours

      • since you provided guidance you should document that in the tracker

      • the management team will discuss and determine a better plan going forward

  • shanice

    • does the telework agreement carry over each month, or do we have to have a meeting each month

      • assume it carries over unless you were told otherwise

  • La’Toya

    • there needs to be more transparency about the work schedule and the expectations for hybrid during the hiring process - the word hybrid was included in the job description and verbally spoken during the interview

  • christlyn

    • can we know in advance if we will be spending thursdays on caseload management so i don’t have to cancel/reschedule virtual visits

      • managers will work around your schedule, so if you are not available then they will move to someone else

  • cristina

    • will hurricane season/severe weather days be factored into telework expectations

      • this would be contingent on collaboration with the board/university

next steps

  • laura will be following up on updated telework agreements

  • we will spend a few minutes in these meetings over the next few weeks talking about strategies around things like time, scheduling, and calendar management

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<Project Name>

<Jira Ticket Link>


  • Note 1

  • Note 2

  • Note 3

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