Why can I not find my Agrilife certificates?

Why can I not find my Agrilife certificates?

The Children’s Learning Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston is excited to announce that the Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System (TECPDS) has collaborated with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (AgriLife) to transfer training certificates taken on their online training platform into TECPDS users accounts.  With the new integration, keeping track of training records is easier than ever.

 Any online courses that early childhood professionals complete on AgriLife Learn will now automatically transfer into TECPDS user accounts if they have the same first and last name and email address in both systems.

 If you would like to see your future certificates transferred, please check your AgriLife Learn and TECPDS account to ensure that they have the same first and last name and email address.   

 Only certificates earned after February 1 will be eligible for automatic transfer. If you have already earned certificates, you can transfer them to TECPDS by manually adding them to your account.  For more information how to do this go to our How-To Guide.


Agrilife Follow Up

Contact AgriLife Learn at learnonline@ag.tamu.edu if you need assistance with: 

  • Updating login information on AgriLife Learn 

TECPDS Follow Up

Contact TECPDS Help Center if you need assistance with:

  • Updating your name and email on TECPDS (new) need a HTG link


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