Dyslexia FAQ: How do I communicate with families about the Dyslexia Screener results?

CLI Engage Dyslexia Screening tools can be used to identify students who may be at risk for reading difficulties. The screener is an important piece of data that allows teachers to document their concerns in a systematic way. The screener results should be used to supplement the information gathered to determine if a more comprehensive evaluation for Dyslexia would be warranted. ​Information from the screener should be shared with district administrators (e.g., Dyslexia Specialists or the Dyslexia Referral Team). If the evaluation of all data sources indicates a student might be at risk for significant reading weaknesses, then the campus committee(s) may consider a further evaluation. Communicating to families about dyslexia screening concerns is a local decision-making process. 

For more information:

·       TEA Dyslexia Handbook:  Dyslexia and Related Disorders

·       Information regarding Dyslexia Screening for TPRI and TEJAS LEE can be located on our websites: https://public.cliengage.org/tools/assessment/dyslexia-screener/