Dyslexia FAQ: Who is screened for dyslexia?


Texas state law (TEC §38.003) requires that public school students be screened and tested as appropriate for dyslexia and related disorders at appropriate times in accordance with a program approved by the SBOE. The program approved by the SBOE must include screening for each student at the end of the kindergarten year and then again during first grade.

Texas Education Code §38.003 does not explicitly state when first grade students must be screened. The SBOE, through approval of the rule which requires adherence to the Dyslexia handbook (TAC §74.28) has determined that students in first grade must be screened no later than the middle of the school year. Screening of first-grade students can begin anytime in the fall as the teacher deems appropriate. Grade 1 screening must conclude no later than January 31 of each year.

Each LEA is required to report information regarding the number of students enrolled in the LEA or school who are identified as having dyslexia in the Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) (TEC §42.006(A-1)). The Division of Review and Support will engage in data validation in October of each year to ensure LEAs have met the required components of the dyslexia screening statute. 

Visit TEA Dyslexia Screening webpage for additional information

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