CPM: For the total score in phonological awareness, my class averaged above the benchmark. However, when I compare the benchmarks for the PA sub-measures (syllabication, onset- rime, alliteration and rhyming 1), my students are below in each category.

How can they be below in each individual category and yet be above for the total benchmark?


Benchmark validity for phonological awareness is based on the total score of the four core sub-measures. Cut-points for optional sub-measures (syllabication, onset-rime, alliteration, rhyming 1) are not validated benchmarks. They can guide the teacher on what activities can be used to support specific PA needs, but these individual cut- points cannot be used as predictors of school readiness in isolation. Our validation analysis has shown that if children have low scores (0, 1, 2, etc.) on these sub-measures, but meet the benchmark with the total score, children are showing sufficient understanding of PA.

Alternatively, an “on track” score on the measure or a sub-measure does NOT mean that the child is fully “developed” in this skill, or that the teacher should not continue to instruct in this area. It means that the child will be able to make sense of the instruction she will receive in kindergarten.

You may have children who are light pink (below cut point) on all four sub- measures and green in the total PA. These children might not be “on track” on the assessed tasks, but have a good foundation when they transition to kindergarten. That being said, at the classroom level, it is important to pay attention to low scores on any of the sub-measures in PA as the teacher can use this information to plan interventions for individual students.

The above also applies to the mathematics and social emotional (checklist) total score vs. sub- measure scores.



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