Advisory Group

Advisory Group

An Advisory Group that meets regularly and performs an annual review of the implementation and improvement goals of the assessment system will be recruited. A diverse set of stakeholders to participate in the advisory group will be selected, to include TWC representatives, LWDB (Local Workforce Development Board) representatives, different ELP perspectives, TECPDS staff, IHE faculty with measurement expertise, Head Start agencies, and other early childhood advocacy/professional organizations (e.g., TAEYC, Children at RISK, Texans Care). The focus for the advisory group will be transparency around assessment practices and, therefore, validity of the ratings, and a forum for advisors to provide input about continuous improvement priorities.  

The governance structure will include representation from these various stakeholders and rotation of members within these roles. A chair will be elected with a two year term limit. 

The advisory group will meet quarterly to read and interpret the collected data (compiled from monthly monitoring routines from the field-based inter-reliability activities. An assessment will be in place to include a rating scale with a maturity rubric and criteria (e.g., categorizing performance areas on a scale from “initiated” to “optimized”). The advisory group will use the scale to provide a consensus rating for each performance category. Over time, scores are expected to improve, and an annual review would open discussion about continuous improvement priorities.  

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