Certification Timeline Chart

Certification Timeline Chart

This chart supports Texas Rising Star staff in meeting applicable deadlines regarding an ELP’s participation in Texas Rising Star – from Entry Level designation through recertification. 



Responsible Staff 

Example Dates 

Interested ELP is screened for Entry Level Designation and assigned a mentor 

Within 10 business days after interest form submitted 

Texas Rising Star staff or designated Board/Contractor Staff (Mentors) 

Interest form submitted on January 5, 2023, would require screening and assignment to be completed by January 19, 2023 

ELP signs CCS Provider Agreement (Boards can couple this with the Texas Rising Star Agreement) 

Within xx days after ELP is designated as Entry Level 

Board/Contractor Staff 

Signed CCS Provider Agreement xx 

ELP provided overview of Entry Level Designation (Boards can couple this with the Interest Visit) 

Within 20 business days after mentor is assigned 

Texas Rising Star staff or designated Board/Contractor Staff 

Entry Level Overview completed by XX 

ELP signs a Texas Rising Star Mentoring Agreement 

(Boards can couple this with the CCS Provider Agreement) 

Within xx days after overview of Entry Level Designation is conducted 

Texas Rising Star staff or designated Board/Contractor Staff 

Texas Rising Star Mentoring Agreement signed XX 

Mentor conducts an Interest Visit 

(Boards can couple this with the overview of Entry Level designation, but must adhere to the Entry Level Designation overview timeline) 

Within 30 days of initial contact with the Board (submission of interest form or direct outreach to Board) 

Texas Rising Star staff or designated Board/Contractor Staff 

Interest Visit conducted by January 31, 2023 

Mentor conducts Observation Visit (on-site visit) 

Within 60 days from signing the Texas Rising Star Agreement 

Texas Rising Star Mentor 

Observation Visit conducted by xx

Initial Certification Screening is completed 

No later than 12 months after CCS agreement is signed 

Texas Rising Star Assessor 

Initial Certification Screening completed no later than January 31, 2024 

ELP submits request for initial certification  

No later than 24 months after the ELP is designated as Entry Level  

ELP (with assistance from the Texas Rising Star mentor as needed) 

ELP must submit Request for Certification by XX (no later than 3 months prior to the end of the 24 months period) 

Receipt of Required Documents Submitted by ELP 

Within 20 days of receipt of required documents 

Texas Rising Star Assessor  

Assessor notifies the ELP within 5 – 7 business days that documents have been received.  

Initial Assessment Conducted 

Within 45 days of the receipt of the required documents 

Texas Rising Star Assessor 

Initial assessment visit is conducted by XX 

Assessment Results shared with ELP Meeting Debrief meeting with mentor 

Within 7 business days of the assessment visit.  

Texas Rising Star Assessor (Mentor) 

Assessment Results meeting is scheduled no later than XX 

Quarterly Screening Conducted 

Every 3rd month from the date certification is achieved 

Texas Rising Star Assessor 

Quarterly screenings would take place in December, March, June, and September for the duration of the three- year certification period.  

Unannounced Annual Monitoring Visit 

Conducted no sooner than 3 months prior to the yearly certification date 

Texas Rising Star Assessor 

The first Annual Monitoring visit will occur no earlier than 2024, and no later than, 2024.  

Recertification Requirements Requested 

Requested 6 months before the end of the three-year certification period.  

Texas Rising Star Assessor 

The recertification requirements requested according to the future certification date; no later than 3 months prior to the recertification date.

Recertification Requirements Submitted 

Required items must be submitted 3 months before the end of the three-year certification period 

ELP staff 

Recertification requirements must be submitted by xx 2026.  

Recertification Visit 

Conducted prior to the end of the three-year certification time frame 

Texas Rising Star Assessor 

The recertification visit must be completed by xx, 2026.