Suspension Status

Suspension Status

Suspension status occurs when a certified ELP falls below a Two-Star star-level, which may include screening impacts or not meeting a structural measure during an assessment. An ELP that is placed on suspension status is still considered as participating in Texas Rising Star, but they are no longer considered certified and do not qualify for official Entry Level designation or its timeframe for certification and must continue to meet Entry Level requirements. Therefore, their accreditation line in TWIST is ended but they will continue to receive mentoring support and have an active CQIP. A Notice of Impacts form is completed, and an Event Log is created in Engage per the EUG. 

The ELP must comply with certification eligibility requirements (e.g., the initial screening form) and request an initial assessment within 15 months of the suspension impact. Previous impacts may be waived, except the total of High and/or Medium-High-weighted deficiencies. Detailed documentation of the ELP’s suspension status must be placed into the Engage Event Log per the EUG. ELPs unable to move out of suspension status by the ninth month of the suspension will not be able to receive new CCS family referrals, unless the child care program is in a child care desert or serves an underserved population as defined and approved by TWC. This consideration for allowance must be submitted to TWC (TexasRisingStar@twc.texas.gov) by the Board on the ELP’s behalf. 

An ELP who fails to become eligible for certification by the end of the 15th month of suspension status and is not located in a child care desert or serves an underserved population as defined and approved by TWC, will have their CCS Provider Agreement ended within 30 calendar days, or at minimum two weeks, to allow families time to transfer to an eligible ELP.  The ELP does not qualify for Entry Level designation, nor the 24-month timeframe. Once the ELP meets the certification eligibility requirements (e.g., the initial screening form), and is assessed at a Two-Star or higher, they may re-sign a CCS Provider Agreement.  

ELPs placed on suspension status are required to continue to meet the Entry Level points threshold upon initiation of the suspension status and are reviewed monthly. An ELP who fails to meet the Entry Level points threshold during these reviews will have their CCS Provider Agreement ended within 30 calendar days, or at minimum two weeks, to allow families time to transfer to an eligible ELP. The ELP does not qualify for Entry Level designation, nor the 24-month timeframe. 

Early Learning Programs placed on Suspension status are required to maintain the Entry Level points threshold during the suspension period and will be reviewed monthly for Entry Level points threshold compliance. ELPs on suspension can re-apply for certification no sooner than 6-months from the start of the suspension period.  

The LWB (financial payment office) must end the CCS agreement within 30 days for providers who exceed 75 pts while on a suspension. A general status update event log will be created to list the total number of points accumulated each month during the 6-month suspension period. If the CCS agreement must end, this information will be added in the comment field in the event log. The mentor will be notified by selecting the notification option in Engage when creating the event log.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Texas Rising Star staff will check ELD (Entry Level Designation) points and update “end agreement” status information with the LWBs.  

Texas Rising Star staff will add a note about ELD points status to CLI Engage Event log each month when they check for compliance.  


Texas Rising Star Assessor staff will screen ELPs monthly (last day of the month) to determine the total number of points and if the ELP on suspension is meeting the 75-point threshold. ELPs will be assigned to Assessors monthly by the Research Coordinator and points will be added to the event log in Engage to keep track.   

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