Caseload Assignments

Caseload Assignments

Assessment and screening assignments for Assessors will be done based on demand, availability, and scheduling formula (Assessor level, location, availability). The forecasting report will be used to determine assessment deadlines. The logistics team will assign the Assessors a monthly caseload using the Power BI forecasting tool and the assessment ready event logs. The Texas Rising Star Dashboard will help identify the schools' location compared to the Assessors' home address. The dashboard will also be used to keep track of each Assessors availability per day (how many schools / classrooms assigned). 

Scheduling of Assessments: 

The Research Coordinator will:  

  • Review the ELPs Engage account to help determine the number of classrooms the ELP has and language of instruction for each classroom (the mentors will be asked to add the information under the comments section on the Texas Rising Star CLASS page.  

  • The Texas Rising Star Dashboard will help determine the distance from the Assessor’s home location to the school and Assessor availability based on previous assignments. In communities where there is limited Assessor availability, neighboring communities will support the assessment needs of those communities where there is limited capacity. 

  • The Research Coordinator is to choose an Assessor ll or lll as a lead, by the closest proximity to the ELP and consider the size of the school to assign any additional Assessors. Assessors will be reassigned to an assessment if necessary; prior notice will be provided in the event of a change. If the traveling does not required overnight stay, and there is need to assign a new Assessor, the Assessor will receive at least 1 day notice. If the travel requires overnight stay, the Assessor will receive at minimum a 5 business day notice.

  • Assessor ll and lll, will conduct two program (ELPs) assessments at minimum per week. Each Assessor will be assigned to assess 3 classrooms per day, with the goal of 4 classrooms per day (no more than 4 classroom observations will be conducted per day per Assessor). Assessors will be scheduled to conduct assessments four days a week (Monday – Thursday). Friday will be used to complete administrative tasks, such as data entry, preparing assessment forms for the upcoming week, conducting debrief meetings with mentors, professional development opportunities, check ins with Managers, team meetings, etc. 

  • Contact the ELPs to schedule the assessment within 5 – 7 business days of having received the “assessment ready” notification via CLI Engage (Note: Initial certification request and all other types of assessments will follow the end-to end assessment process flow; mentors will support ELPs in submitting the request for assessment via the help ticketing system).  

  • Provide a two-week assessment window notice for Initial Assessments, Recertifications, Service Improvement Agreement (SIA) Assessment, Reconsideration, Star Level Evaluation and Category Reassessment types of assessment. The annual monitoring is an unannounced assessment; therefore, the two-week window notice is not provided - Use the provided phone and follow up email scripts.  

  • Confirm the classroom information, per age group and name of the teachers assigned to each classroom. Add the information to the pre-assessment form to be shared with the lead Assessor. 

  • Explain that based on the number of active classrooms, there is a total of ____ assigned to assess their program. (Name the Assessor that is assigned as a Lead Assessor) _________________will be your main point of contact and will contact you prior to your two-week window notice to request any additional documents to help score the structured measures (required measures).  


Other Assessors will be assigned to conduct the classroom observations.  

In between observations, they will need a quiet space to review the evidence gathered from the observation.  


  • Explain that the assessment will take ________ days (select number of days based on number of classrooms and number of Assessors – each Assessor will assess no more than 4 classrooms per day). Refer to the table in the Texas Rising Star Assessment Sample Schedule Confluence page which shows the number of assessment days based on the number of classrooms with one Assessor assigned. Multiple Assessors may be assigned to reduce the number of assessment days.  

  • Request classroom schedules and lesson plans for each classroom (lesson plans from the two-week assessment window). These documents should be submitted within 3 business days of the request. Documents will be emailed to the Lead Assessor (The Research Coordinator will provide the Assessor’s email address to the ELP).  

  • Explain that the Lead Assessor will conduct an entrance (purpose of the visit is explained and what does the visit look like) and exit meeting (notify the director that the Assessors are done or done for the day and explain next steps (debrief with mentor, mentor will review results with ELP. ELP will receive the assessment result report via email) with the Director (or person designated as Director).  

  • Provide the time of arrival…. Assessors arrive at 8am to begin the assessment (this might not be applicable to a home ELP). The director does not have to be present for them to begin conducting the assessment.  

  • Add the name of the ELP and the two-week assessment window notice The name of the ELP that is scheduled for assessment, will be added to the CLI Scheduler, GM calendar. Assessors have access to the calendar to view their weekly assignments. Additionally, A Jira ticket will be generated to keep track of the assignments and task associated with the assessment. The Texas Rising Star Scheduling Dashboard will be used to determine the Assessor’s availability. Assessors will be assigned to conduct assessments weekly Monday - Thursday. The Research Coordinator will select the day or days that the Assessors will visit the program to conduct the assessment based on the size of the school and the number of Assessors assigned to assess the ELP.

  • The Research Coordinator is to check the CLI Scheduler, GM calendar to confirm any Out of Office notifications from Assessors. Assessors are asked to submit leave time to the group calendar.  

  • The Assessment Jira ticket will be created by the Research Coordinator and school and class assignments will be determined. The ticket will include the following information:

  • Name of ELP  

  • Arrival time to the school 

  • Hours of Operation  

  • Name of Assessors  

  • Classrooms assigned to each Assessor