Nationally Accredited Early Learning Programs’ SIAs

Nationally Accredited Early Learning Programs’ SIAs

Nationally accredited programs are initially assessed and recertified using a modified assessment; however, they must still adhere to all Texas Rising Star requirements. Therefore, accredited sites are not excluded from SIAs or their possible consequences. If during an annual monitoring Categories 2 and/or 4 observations are noted that would result in a lower overall star level at a certification visit, the facility would be placed on an SIA. The same protocol is followed as noted above, with the exception that nationally accredited facilities are monitored and assessed only for Categories 2 and 4. Therefore, if the ELP is placed on an SIA for both Categories 2 and 4, then the SIA assessment is also categorized as a full assessment, thus resetting the certification cycle for the ELP regardless of whether the star level changed. Please see the EUG for information specific to Engage data entry. 


Process Chart for Programs on an SIA 


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