How do I create a training?

How do I create a training?

  1. Log into your TECPDS account.

  2. Scroll down to your trainer summary area.

  3. When creating a new training the first step is to select the “My Training Proposals” tab.

  4. Then, select “Submit a New Training Proposal.”

  5. On the first page of “Add Training,” you will complete the necessary details.

  6. At the bottom of page one, please select the statement that applies best to your current situation.  Please note that this section will be grayed out once you are approved in a Core Competency Area.

  7. After selecting the “Submit for TECPDS Approval” button, you will be taken to page two of the training proposal to provide specific details about the training. 

  8. Select “Submit for Approval”


For more detailed instructions.


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