Education and Professional Development

Education and Professional Development

Per §809.134, there are specified minimum education and experience requirements for Assessors and mentors. If an applicant does not meet the education requirements, the Board may submit a request for up to a two-year extension. The process for requesting such an extension is detailed in WD Letter 02-21 change 1, issued September 23, 2022, and titled “Texas Rising Star Staff Education Extensions—Update.” TWC’s rules do not include any provision to grant extensions for individuals who do not meet experience requirements. 

Per §809.136, all staff members must obtain, at minimum, 36 hours of professional development annually. These annual minimum training hours can be linked to the calendar year (January 1–December 31), the fiscal year (September 1–August 31), or the hire date. Once the type of year is established, it should remain consistent from year to year.  

Professional development should be in applicable topic areas that will assist the staff in following Board/contractor policy and job duties and supporting ELPs. Boards should ensure that staff members receive a balance of in-person and online (self-instructional) professional development, similar to the ongoing training requirements for Texas Rising Star ELPs. Texas Rising Star staff may attend local, state, and national conferences and training opportunities offered by a Registered Trainer in Texas or other similarly qualified trainers (see the Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System (TECPDS) Trainer Registry requirements). Training topics may include, but are not limited to, child care business management, leadership skills, coaching/mentoring, relationship-based professional development (RBPD), developmentally appropriate activities and curriculum, observation and assessment, antibias/implicit bias, challenging behaviors, inclusive care, trauma-informed care, expulsion/suspension prevention, family engagement, and health and safety. 

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