Category Reassessment

Category Reassessment

A category reassessment must be requested within 30 days of the Texas Rising Star certification effective date. The Assessor will assess only up to two of the lowest scoring categories as requested by the ELP. If staff or director changes have occurred since the full assessment, Category 1 will also be reevaluated. This requirement will not count as one of the two allowable categories for reevaluation. This type of assessment can only be requested after a full assessment. Once the request has been made by the ELP, the Assessor should conduct the visit within 60 calendar days. This assessment does not reset the three-year certification time frame. Follow the guidance within the EUG for data entry into Engage. Once a category reassessment is complete, the ELP may then request a reconsideration or star-level evaluation to change the star level. Additional information about this assessment can be found in the Guidelines, to include guidance on ELPs who are currently on a star-level impact

For nationally accredited Texas Rising Star programs, a category reassessment may be requested following the same protocols detailed above; however, only one (1) category is chosen for reassessment—either Category 2 or 4. Changes in director or staff will not require assessment of Category 1—Director and Staff Qualifications—for nationally accredited programs. 

The provider’s eligibility for a Category Re-assessment will be discussed between Assessor and Mentor during the debrief meeting. The Category Re-assessment request will be submitted via Jira and the logistics team will be notified.  

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