Star-Level Evaluation

Star-Level Evaluation

A star-level evaluation is a full assessment of all categories and classrooms. This type of assessment can be requested at any time during an ELP’s three-year certification time frame and is typically requested after an annual monitoring that showed the ELP was scoring at a higher level than currently certified. This assessment resets the three-year certification time frame for an ELP regardless of whether there was a change in star level. There is not a specific time frame for when a star-level evaluation must be conducted after a request is made; therefore, the Assessor should make every effort to conduct it in a reasonable amount of time, with the goal of no later than 60 days from the date of the request. Follow the guidance within the EUG for data entry into Engage. Additional information about this assessment can be found in the Guidelines, to include guidance on ELPs who are currently on a star-level impact. For nationally accredited Texas Rising Star programs, a star-level evaluation may be requested following the same protocols detailed above; however, only Category 2 and 4 are assessed for nationally accredited programs. 

A Star Level Evaluation request will be submitted via the Jira ticketing system, notifying the logistics team.  

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