I received a Missing or invalid Class Level error on the single roster upload


I received an error of missing or invalid Class Level

Please follow the steps on the Instructions tab of the SRU template. You can locate the instructions on the second tab of the template file.


Review Column N

  1. This is a required field

  2. Column N: Class Level  -   Enter IN (ages 0 to 17 months), TD (ages 18 to 35 months), EE, PK, KG, 1, 2, etc. In most cases, this value should be the same one provided on column T.

  3. Once that is updated you can process a new SRU.


Column T: Student Grade Level  -  Required  -  Enter IN (ages 0 to 17 months), TD (ages 18 to 35 months), EE, PK, KG, 1, 2, etc. In most cases, this value should be the same one provided on column N.

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