Before the Assessment

Before the Assessment

Review the assessment scheduling calendar on Fridays for the week ahead. Also, review the calendar daily (the day before going out to an assessment) in case of any schedule changes. Collect the following items to use during your observation:  

Assessment forms (notetaking form for each classroom observed, FARF-if you are assigned as the Lead Assessor, visit report, Texas Rising Star Impact Notice form if ELPs certification is being impacted.  

Texas Rising Star TSM, Texas Rising Star GUIDELINES, Texas Rising Star STAFF Handbook (Texas Rising Star Binder)   

Post-it tabs (if needed). Tab your note-taking pages if it helps.   

Notetaking tools: Clipboard, legal pad, pens, pencils  

School address and phone number (this information will be added to the Outlook Calendar Assessment Schedule.  

Contact numbers for other Assessors.  



  • Business casual  

  • Closed toe-shoes  

  • UT badge  

  • Copy of completed background check (TBD)  


Arrival at the site:  

  • Arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before your observation.   

  • Give yourself time in case of:   

  • Encountering traffic   

  • Limited parking at the school   

  • School drop-off lines   

  • Lines in the front office   

  • The possibility of getting lost   

  • Be polite to peers and other people you encounter during your assessment (Director, teacher, parents, children, etc.).  

  • Introduce yourself to the Director and classroom teachers and provide the project name (Texas Rising Star Assessor with Workforce Solutions).  

  • Lead Assessor: Inform the Director of classroom observation schedule.  

  • Have your driver’s license ready to be scanned (if required by the ELP).  

  • Ask for directions to the teacher’s room.   

  • Appear friendly and alert.