
An Assessor may complete no more than four classroom observations in one day. It is up to the Assessor’s discretion whether to conduct a four-classroom observation visit in one day. Factors that should be considered when determining if a four-classroom observation visit should be completed in one day versus across two consecutive days include the following: 

  • The program site’s operating hours 

  • Assessor availability (that is, caseload, personal commitments) 

  • Assessor stamina 

It is allowable for multiple Assessors to complete a visit. 

Keep in mind that Assessors should not request that programs extend their business hours, but, if necessary, should instead conduct the visit across two or more consecutive days. The Assessor should plan to observe a typical day for the ELP. Additionally, if the classroom teacher typically speaks/teachers the children in a different language other than English, the Assessor assigned to observe and score that classroom must be fluent in that language. ELPs are not required to instruct in only one language. This may require the Board to obtain a Spanish-speaking Assessor from another Board area to complete the assessment. For example, if the infant room teacher typically speaks in Spanish to the children throughout the day, the Assessor must be able to understand Spanish to ensure scoring of the measures adequately captures the interactions observed.  

The required “met/not met” measures should be assessed first to determine if the ELP meets minimal requirements for certification at any level. Classroom assessments for points-based measures should not be conducted until the ELP meets all the required measures. It is important to review all the required measures to provide input to the ELP regarding those that need to be corrected.  

There are certain situations when the Assessor may need to end the site visit and inform the director that the assessment will be conducted at a later time. Examples of those situations may include, but are not limited to, the following:  

  • A majority of regularly scheduled and/or primary teaching staff members are not present.  

  • The majority of the classrooms are out on field trips or are closed due to low attendance. 

Serious incidents observed by the Assessor may also require terminating the program assessment and conducting the visit at a later time. 

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