Other Situations

Other Situations

Classroom group is determined by the specified age of the classroom; therefore, a classroom that operates as an after-school classroom but includes preschool-age children would typically be deemed a preschool classroom. If that classroom is operating as a school-age classroom, in which the care provided is based on the children receiving instructional time elsewhere (such as from their elementary school), it may be scored as a school-age classroom. 

Additionally, the Assessor’s caseload may include programs with classrooms that operate separately from the rest of the program, such as private kindergarten, early head start, head start, or prekindergarten partnership classrooms. If these classrooms are exempt from CCR (Child Care Regulations) monitoring and inspection, then they are omitted from the assessment and should not be added to Engage. If the classrooms are monitored by CCR under the ELP license, then they are assessed. If the teacher for such a classroom is funded by the partner program, he or she is not subject to the requirements of S-COTQ-03: Staff Training. Any classrooms and/or staff members that are funded by the ELP are observed and assessed for all measures. If the program is also nationally accredited, then Category 1 and Category 3 are not scored. 

If the ELP is operating as a wraparound service for an outside entity, then that care can be assessed as Texas Rising Star. The Assessor will need to make the accommodation in the schedule to ensure this care can be observed for scoring. Example: A Head Start classroom operates within the ELP from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and the aftercare program is operated by the ELP from 2:30 to 6:30 pm; therefore, the aftercare program should be assessed/observed

Use the table below to assist in determining how these unique situations should be handled. 



The classroom is exempt from CCR under the ELP’s license. 

  • Do not observe for assessment. 

  • Do not score staff for Category 1 measures. 

The classroom is monitored by CCR under the ELP’s license but is funded by a partner program, or the teacher is funded elsewhere. 

  • Observe for assessment. 

  • Staff is marked “N/A” for Category 1 measure S-COTQ-03 only; all other measures are assessed. 

The classroom is monitored by CCR under the ELP’s license, and the teacher is funded by ELP. 

  • Observe for assessment. 

  • Staff are assessed for all Category 1 measures. 

The classroom operates outside the ELP for a set portion of the day, and the ELP provides wraparound care. 

  • Observe wraparound care only for assessment.  

  • Staff are assessed for all Category 1 measures. 

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