Observing Licensing Violations

Observing Licensing Violations

Assessors work as partners with child care and early learning programs and may at times observe potential violations of CCR Minimum Standards while conducting an assessment for Texas Rising Star. Potential minimum standards violations observed by the Assessor should be addressed with the director during the exit meeting and with the program’s mentor to support the program’s compliance with health and safety standards.  

CCR is the regulatory authority for child care, and an Assessor may need to consult with the CCR licensing representative to ensure accurate technical assistance is provided. If an Assessor observes a potential deficiency that presents a high risk to children’s health and safety, the Assessor should use professional judgment as to whether the incident warrants reporting to CCR. Before reporting to CCR, the Assessor should give the program director the opportunity to self-report. See the Mandated Professional Reporters section of the Staff Handbook for more information regarding serious incidents. 

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