TX-KEA: ECDS Uploads for Kindergarten Data

TX-KEA: ECDS Uploads for Kindergarten Data

Texas school districts and charter schools submit Kindergarten data to upload into TEA’s Early Childhood Data System (ECDS) through Ed-Fi IODS submission. Texas districts are required to submit beginning-of-year (BOY) child progress monitoring data.

 2024-25 ECDS Process for Kindergarten Data

  • Teachers complete progress monitoring throughout the school year

  • Districts must review student information data and resolve any errors

ECDS will accept Kindergarten data beginning Monday, November 11, 2024.

School systems can input data into the ECDS application for the kindergarten submission between Sept. 16, 2024, and Feb. 13, 2025. It is recommended that school systems start submitting available kindergarten data on Sept. 16 to allow time to resolve any potential data issues

Setting Administration Windows
Assessment windows are not established by CLI Engage. They are open so that each district can determine the dates they prefer to assess. Now districts have access to a new optional feature that would enable districts to lock assessment dates to prevent accidental administration outside the LEA's defined window.

This feature ensures that teachers conduct assessments during the correct waves and within designated testing periods. It will not impact the data in reports, or the Ed-Fi results sent to the ECDS for Texas public schools.

Click the how-to guide for instructions on setting assessment windows:
CLI Engage Assessment Lock

 Your Submission to ECDS

  • LEAs will report Pre-k assessment results to ECDS via the Ed-Fi IODS. For more information about this process visit: Ed-Fi ECDS Submission

  • Ensure that all students have TSDS IDs (only students with TSDS IDs will be included in the export)

  • Ensure that any duplicate students have been removed

  • Update and adjust enrollment and withdrawal dates to exclude students who were not enrolled during your assessment window

Important information about your ECDS submission:

Please review the following information when selecting the TX-KEA measures that will be assessed in kindergarten classrooms:

  • Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.006 requires LEAs to administer an assessment instrument that measures emergent literacy-reading skills. LEAs using TX-KEA to fulfill this requirement must administer all three measures that comprise the composite score for the kindergarten literacy screener score (Vocabulary, Letter Names, and Spelling).

  • In addition to the kindergarten literacy screener composite score, ECDS reports from CLI Engage will also include raw scores for Vocabulary, Letter Names, and Spelling that will be used to calculate the new statewide kindergarten readiness score by TEA.

  • Reporting requirements will only include BOY measures (referred to as Wave 1 in CLI Engage).

 Required TX-KEA Measures for ECDS

LEAs are recommended to assess in all five ECDS domains and report this information to ECDS. For TX-KEA, specific measures aligned to ECDS reports for all five domains are in the table below. If your LEA administers these measures using TX-KEA, those scores can be included in your ECDS submission.


 Addressing Common ECDS Errors: Missing Measures

The KG Literacy Screening score is only calculated when the student has three other scores: Vocabulary, Letter Names and Spelling (on either English or Spanish).

If a student is missing any of those scores, the XML reports that we have uploaded to ECDS do not contain the required TX-KEA KG Literacy Screening score as well as the missing scores.

The Spelling measure is administered on paper and the Teacher must input the results into CLI Engage. It is very common that some Teachers just forget to input these results causing incomplete XML reports.

An easy way to determine there are Students in your District that are missing any of the required measures, is to run a Community-level Combined Completion Report for the required measures:

  • Vocabulary

  • Letter Names

  • Spelling

 Click on the video to watch more about Kindergarten ECDS:

Please be aware that the new deadline for the TEA K ECDS submission has been extended from January 30th to February 13th.

 TEA Resources

Kindergarten Key Dates 2024_25 SYTEA.png

If you have any questions regarding prekindergarten, kindergarten, grade 1, or grade 2 instruments, please contact the Division of Early Childhood by email at earlychildhoodeducation@tea.texas.gov.


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