How Do I Access TSR Comprehensive Teacher Profiles in CLI Engage?

This provides the information on how to access and edit teacher profiles for TSR Comprehensive teachers in CLI Engage.




You must be logged in to CLI Engage
You must have access to the TSR Comprehensive community in CLI Engage
You must know the teacher’s first and last name; email address is helpful as well



  1. Log in to CLI Engage. Locate the teal banner Administrative Tools. Click on Class and Student Management.

  2. On the left screen, look for the tab marked ‘User Management.”

  3. On the next screen, click the button to select “Teacher.”

  4. On the next screen,  you can search for the teacher’s name by community, first name, or last name. To edit the teacher profile click the button “edit.” The button icon looks like a pencil.

  5. Once you click on the “edit” button you will be able to update the teacher profile page.

  6. The For CLI Use section contains the details for the following:

    • Vendor Code

    • CLI Funding

    • Coaching Model

    • TSR FCC Participant

    • Number of Coaching Hours & Remote Cycles

    • Teacher Type (typically Lead Teacher)

    • Years in Project

    • eCIRCLE Assignment (Professional Development)

    • Coach Assignment is no longer located within the profile page; TSR coach is assigned using the Assign Coaches button under the Action icons

    • There is a new section for Programs - select the TSR Comp box

  7. Once all updates are completed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit to save the changes.


If you need further assistance, please submit a help ticket

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