How Do I Process a Student Bulk Upload for TSDS IDs?

How Do I Process a Student Bulk Upload for TSDS IDs?

The Student Bulk Upload Process allows users to upload student information into CLI Engage using a pre-formatted Excel Spreadsheet template. Follow the steps in this guide to update student information required for ECDS, including TSDS IDs (required) and student entry/withdrawal dates (optional).




You must be logged in to CLI Engage
You must generate a Student Results Export
You must fill in and process the Student Template


  1. Log in to https://public.cliengage.org/

  2. Click on “Class & Student Management” under the “Administrative Tools” tab on the CLI Engage dashboard

  3. In the left navigation, select “Data Management”

  4. On the next screen, select “Student”

  5. Click to download the “Student_Template.xlsx”

  6. Complete Student Template by following these steps.

    You will need to run a Student Results Export How do I Generate a Student Results Export Report?

    5.1 From Student Results Export, copy the data from the following columns onto the Student template:

    • Community Name

    • Community Engage ID

    • School Name

    • School Engage ID

    • Student First Name

    • Student Middle Name

    • Student Last Name

    • Student Engage ID

    • Student Internal ID

    5.2 Provide the Student TSDS ID in Column P. Column P is named Student_State_Unique_ID - this is the 10 digit number assigned to each student by TEA. You can use the Student Internal ID to match the TSDS ID from your database.

    You can include any other demographic information that you may want to update in Engage.

    5.3 Enter U as in “Update” on Column A for all used rows.

    5.4 Enter Student on Column B for all used rows.

  7. Under “Data Management”, choose the Student option and select the file from your desktop

  8. Upload and process your file by clicking the Play button

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